I love having several project bags on the go - they’re the perfect way to keep projects organized and tidy (plus keeps them clean) and ensure that I have everything I need to work on them. As the weather gets warmer, I’ll also be reaching for my project bags on family road trips and weekends at the lake!
Here are five of the must-have tools I keep in my project bags:
Bamboo or wood needles
While metal needles are permitted by airlines, wood and bamboo needles have the advantage of being less likely to draw the ire of flight security - some people experience issues with their metal needles. If you’re comfortable working with circulars, they have the advantage of not rolling away if you accidentally drop one!
Small embroidery scissors
Blunt or round-ended scissors shorter than 2.5 inches are allowed on airlines, making them a smart choice for project bags - you’ll always be travel ready.
Stitch markers
Keeping a set of stitch markers makes it easier to keep track of your stitches! Simple stitch markers are sufficient for your project bag.
Measuring tape
Keeping a small retractable measuring tape handy is a great way of keeping an eye on your gauge and sizing. Rather than discovering a sizing issue later on and having to frog a large portion of your project, periodically checking with a tape measure is a helpful way to keep your knitting on track!
Mini sketchbook and pencil
One thing that I’ve found to be helpful in improving as a knitter over the years–particularly with things like picking yarns and patterns–has been keeping project notes. Carrying a small notebook and pencil makes it easy to jot down notes on the go. Plus a pencil comes in handy to keep track of your progress on a pattern.
I got a little craft box at Micheal’s to keep little things like this in and it’s travel ready and i have everything. Thirty One has some excellent craft bags that make projects portable as well.